MDLBeast Soundstorm 2021

MDLBeast Soundstorm 2021

Date of publication:

Soundstorm: thé multi-genre music, art and culture festival in the middle east!

We like to thank MDLBeast Soundstorm for another amazing experience!

For about 732000 people for four days straight, making it one of the largest music festivals in the world, we have provided dj gear to MDLBeast Soundstorm without any errors. With over 200+ (inter)national artists, all shows were a huge success! We are glad that, even though the circumstances regarding the coronavirus, it was possible to continue this festival. It took place in Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia. We brought with us more than 140 media players, 60 mixers, 15 RMX-1000s, DJayINFRA SYSTEMs, DJayRAILs and lots more.

Thank you MDLBeast Soundstorm for your trust in us in 2019 and 2021.


Check the aftermovie below!

MDLBeast aftermovie